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I am inspired!

Just wanna say this is the first quote I've ever typed on here with 100% …

荷塘月色 - 朱自清
月光如流水一般,靜靜地瀉在這一片葉子和花上。 薄薄的青霧浮起在荷塘里。 葉子和花彷彿在牛乳中洗過一樣; 又像籠著輕紗的夢。 雖然是滿月,天上卻有一層淡淡的雲,所以不能朗照; 但我以為這恰是到了好處——酣眠固不可少,小睡也別有風味的。 月光是隔了樹照過來的,高處叢生的灌木,落下參差的斑駁的黑影,峭楞楞如鬼一般; 彎彎的楊柳的稀疏的倩影,卻又像是畫在荷葉上。 塘中的月色並不均勻; 但光與影有著和諧的旋律,如梵婀玲上奏著的名曲。

荷塘月色 - 朱自清
I can't understand that what happend but in this case I can't type anything in …

FUN! So hard that somehow *I* got the high score! LOL


jrmccollum's citations

Tout citations

a casual observer - You Can Always Edit
So many of these quotes either get downvoted or have terribly rude comments about how that particular quote has terrible grammar, syntax, spelling, or punctuation. Even if that is true, commenting doesn't really do anything, and downvoting will get it removed. To me, this is not usually necessary, especially if the quote is otherwise good or inspiring. My solution is, of course, the edit button. With a few keystrokes, you (yes, you) can edit the quote to make it good!

Charles Anthony Slivrestri - Sleep (excerpt)
The evening hangs beneath the moon, a silver thread on darkened dune. With closing eyes and resting head, I know that sleep is coming soon. Upon my pillow safe in bed, a thousand pictures fill my head. I cannot sleep, my mind's a-flight, and yet my limbs seem made of lead. If there are noises in the night, a frightening shadow, flickering light, as I surrender unto sleep, where clouds of dream give second sight.

Yoshio Sakamoto - Super Metroid monologue (excerpt)
The scientists' findings were astounding! They discovered that the powers of the Metroid might be harnessed for the good of civilization! Satisfied that all was well, I left the station to seek a new bounty to hunt. But I had hardly gone beyond the asteroid belt when I picked up a distress signal. Ceres station was under attack!

Dale Earnhardt, Jr. - How I Grew Up
I mean, I've always felt like a lot of people's misconceptions of me have to do with how I grew up. I grew up poor, and I grew up rich. I think some people who have never met me have a misconception that when I was living with my father when he was successful, that I was somehow adversely affected by his success or the money he had and was making at the time.

Hamilton Porter - The Sandlot - Smores
First, you take the graham. You stick the chocolate on the graham. Then, you roast the mallow. When the mallow's flaming, you stick it on the chocolate and cover it with the other end. Then, you scarf.