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Dar Williams - End of Summer
Summer ends and we wonder where you are, and there you go, my friends, with your boxes in your car. You both look so young, and last night was hard. You said you packed up every room and then you cried and went to bed. But today you closed the door and said you have to get a move on. It's just that time of year when we push ourselves ahead. We push ourselves ahead.

Hunnie - Company of Friends, by Danny Schmidt
When I die, let them judge me by my company of friends. Let them know me by the footprints that I left upon the sand. Let them laugh for all the laughter, and let them cry for laughter's end. When I die, let them judge me by my company of friends.

Hunnie - Pagan Angel and a Borrowed Car, by Iron and Wine
Love was a promise made of smoke in a copse of frozen trees, a bone cold and older than our bodies slowly floating in the sea. Every morning there were planes, the shiny blades of pagan angels, in our fathers' skies. Every evening I would watch her hold the pillow tight against her hollows, her unholy child. I was still a beggar shaking out my stolen coat among the angry cemetery leaves when they caught the king beneath the borrowed car, righteous, drunk, and fumbling for the royal keys.

Sleeping At Last - Two
Sweetheart, you look a little tired. When did you last eat? Come in and make yourself right at home. Stay as long as you need. Tell me, is something wrong? If something's wrong, you can count on me. You know I'd take my heart clean apart if it helped yours beat. It's okay if you can't find the words. Let me take your coat and this weight off of your shoulders.

Oscar Wilde - The Soul of Man Under Socialism
For what are called criminals nowadays are not criminals at all. Starvation, and not sin, is the parent of modern crime. That indeed is the reason why our criminals are, as a class, so absolutely uninteresting from any psychological point of view. They are not marvelous Macbeths and terrible Vautrins. They are merely what ordinary, respectable, commonplace people would be if they had not got enough to eat.

Edward Abbey - On Anarchism
Anarchism is not a romantic fable, but the hardheaded realization, based on five thousand years of experience, that we cannot entrust the management of our lives to kings, priests, politicians, generals, and county commissioners.

Jeff Sparrow - All We Feared
Everything we feared about communism - that we would lose our houses and savings and be forced to labor eternally for meager wages with no voice in the system - has come true under capitalism.

Hunnie - Toxic Positivity
Pushing the concept that anyone can achieve their greatest dreams if only they want it badly enough or work at it hard enough is incredibly harmful. It convinces people who are born into good fortune that they are somehow deserving of their riches and comfort by their own merit, and it convinces those less fortunate people that their suffering is somehow their own fault, when in reality, we are all at the mercy of the roulette wheel of classist cruelty.

Hunnie - Privilege
Being told that you have privilege is not a judgment on your character. It doesn't mean that you are a bad person, and it doesn't mean you don't have struggles. All it means is that you experience advantages that other people do not. It's not about feeling guilty, or being ashamed of your luck in life's lottery. It's about being aware of your good fortune, and doing what you can to reach down the ladder and pull people up, instead of stepping on them as you climb.

Hunnie - Disability
Often times when I tell people that I am disabled, the first thing they say is "I'm sorry." Why? I'm certainly not sorry that I am disabled. My disability does not make my life more difficult, or less satisfying. What does make my life harder is that I am living in a world which refuses to make even the smallest changes for the benefit of people like me. I do not need a cure for my existence. I like myself, disability and all. I only wish that it was easier to use public transit.

Hannibal - Forts in The Mind
I imagine what you see and learn touches everything else in your mind. Your values and decency are present but shocked at your associations, appalled at your dreams. No forts in the bone arena of your skull for things you love.

Dar Williams - End of the Summer
Summer ends and we wonder who you are, and there you go, my friends, with your boxes in your car. And today I passed the high school, the river, the maple tree. I passed the farms that made it through the last days of the century. And I knew that I was gonna learn again and again. In this last hazy light, I saw the fields beyond the fields.

Ani Difranco - School Night
You are a miracle, but that is not all. You are also a stiff drink and I am on call. You are a party and I am a school night, and I'm looking for my door key and you are my porch light. And you'll never know, dear, just how much I love you. You probably think this is just my big excuse, but I stand committed to a love that came before you, and the fact that I adore you is but one of my truths.

from "The Song of Achilles," by Madeline Miller - Enough
I saw then how I had changed. I did not mind anymore that I lost when we raced and I lost when we swam out to the rocks and I lost when we tossed spears or skipped stones. For who can be ashamed to lose to such beauty? It was enough to watch him win, to see the soles of his feet flashing as they kicked up sand, or the rise and fall of his shoulders as he pulled through the salt. It was enough.

-Rumi - I Choose To Love You
I choose to love you in silence, for in silence I find no rejection. I choose to love you in loneliness, for in loneliness no one owns you but me. I choose to adore you from a distance, for distance will shield me from pain. I choose to kiss you in the wind, for the wind is gentler than my lips. I choose to hold you in my dreams, for in my dreams you have no end.