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L. Reeves
It's easier to be angry. It's easier to hold grudges. It's easier to be faithless. …

Gio Anello
Love is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Without love where would …
Who is paying for that research, because 99% of researchers agree with financier of the …


Allen Downey
Eco friendly wood veneers?


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Saul Goodman - Saul teaching how to launder money
Now, you give me your money, okay? That's called placement. Hand me that little thing... Bin. This is the nail salon, right? I take your dirty money and I slip it into the salon's nice clean cash flow. That's called layering. Final step, integration. The revenues from the salon go to the owner. That's you. Your filthy drug money has been transformed into nice, clean, taxable income brought to you by a savvy investment in a thriving business.