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Jordan B. Peterson
What stands out to me the most, every time I come across a JP quote, …

Anyone want to circle back to this now? I still look back an cannot believe …

Unknown Me
Just what in the world is that last punctuation!?!?

Wait... what??

Malcolm X
I don't think there's any hate in this quote at all. He's simply making the …


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Richard Flanagan - The Narrow Road to the Deep North
We remember nothing. Maybe for a year or two. Maybe most of a life, if we live. Maybe. But then we will die, and who will ever understand any of this? And maybe we remember nothing most of all when we put our hands on our hearts and carry on about not forgetting.

Richard Flanagan - The Narrow Road to the Deep North
Horror can be contained within a book, given form and meaning. But in life horror has no more form than it does meaning. Horror just is. And while it reigns, it is as if there is nothing in the universe that it is not.