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it was good

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Agreed! The best website just for procrastinating and typing. Can't think of a better one …


typer_00001's citations

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Zac Poonen - Your Decisions Determine What You Become
A man like that, who is consistently faithful in the little things will in a few years' time become a trustworthy man of God - not because of the Bible-knowledge that he possesses, but because of his faithfulness in the little decisions he takes in life, not to please himself but to please God.

Zac Poonen - The True Gospel And The False
This is a false gospel, because no mention is made of "repentance." Repentance is what John the Baptist, Jesus, Paul, Peter and all the apostles preached first of all. And repentance, unfortunately, is what is not preached today, even last of all!!

Sandeep Poonen - Why I Don't Celebrate Halloween
When another religion celebrates darkness and focuses on communicating with dead spirits, what does the Lord expect us to do? Can we just go along with the external fun of this holiday, when we know that at its core, this is a festival that explicitly glorifies the powers of darkness and the enemy of our souls?

Jeremy Utley - The Power of a Pipsqueak
Don't be one who despises the small things. The circumstance in our lives that we'd rather fast-forward through are God's necessary means of equipping us. If we will humble ourselves under His mighty hand, He will give us grace to grow in the same way He helped Jesus.

Jeremy Utley - God Loves the Minor Characters
Looking forward, I want to remember that wherever Jesus is, that is most blessed. No matter how outward circumstances appear. No matter what I see of beauty, of work, of "blessing," I want to remember that Jesus is pleased to identify with the unloved ones, and wants to manifest His life through their triumphant trust in Him.

Jeremy Utley - Not my plan, but Yours be done
I feel it's one of the biggest lessons the Lord is teaching me in this season: if you want to receive grace, then stop fighting for your way, stop asserting your plan, stop defending your space and your rights.

Sandeep Poonen - There Are No Mirrors In Heaven
Every day, we have a choice: Fix our eyes on the face of Christ and adore Him as our Example and Hero. Or whip out our mirrors, look at our own faces, and try to better ourselves. One day, sooner than we think, we're going to stand before God. And in heaven, there will be no mirrors. We won't spend one second whipping out mirrors to admire our beauty or our spirituality! We'll be enraptured by one thing and one thing only - His face. It's going to be ALL ABOUT HIM who died for us.

Sandeep Poonen - The Sewer, The Sinner, And My Savior
So yes, there are wonderful perfumes that we humans have developed: education, social good, acts of kindness, generous giving, mindfulness, etc. But the broken sewer of the heart of man cannot be rehabilitated or fixed through any of these. The only solution.. Yes, THE ONLY SOLUTION for the problem of the broken sewer of our hearts is to be born again. Racism is the fruit of a filthy heart, and it simply cannot exist in the heart of a born-again Christian.

Jeremy Utley - The Hidden Danger of COVID-19
Having described the physical danger and one real spiritual danger above, I wanted to mention one additional danger that I have seen subtly lurking beyond the very real spiritual danger of fear, worry, and anxiety.

Zac Poonen - New Wine in New Wineskins - Chapter 2
God needs men today - men who will stand before His face and hear his voice daily, men who will have no desire in their heart for anyone or anything other than God Himself, men who have overcome anger and sexually sinful thoughts, and who would rather die sin even in thought or attitude.

Zac Poonen - New Wine in New Wineskins - Chapter 1
Thus we shall have a fellowship with other believers who walk the same way and gradually our mutual fellowship will become more and more like the fellowship that the Father and the Son have with each other (Jn. 17:21). This is the new wine Jesus desires to give us.

Zac Poonen - 15. A Ministry of Encouragement (Make Godly People Your Heros)
Jesus spoke soothing words to the weary that lifted their heavy spirits. Isaiah 50:4 tells us that it was because Jesus listened to His Father's voice daily that He had such this right word for each weary soul who came across His path. We too can have such a blessed ministry to weary souls around us every day, if we develop the habit of listening to God every day.

Zac Poonen - 14. Anointed Ministry of Jesus (Make Godly People Your Heros)
When Jesus preached the Word to the disciples who were walking to Emmaus, they testified that their hearts "burned within them" (Lk. 24:32). That is how a truly anointed ministry is - it makes people's hearts burn. And that is how our ministry should be always. There must never be a time when we're not under the anointing of the Spirit. Then we will always have a word to give to those in need whom we come across, even as Jesus had (See Isa. 50:4).

Zac Poonen - 13. A Heart on Fire for the Lord (Make Godly People Your Heros)
The Lord wants our hearts to be on fire at all times - aflame with a fervent love for Him and for other believers. "Fire shall be kept burning continually n the altar; it is not to go out," was the old-covenant Law (Lev. 6:13). Symbolically we see here what God expects the normal state of the true disciple of Jesus to be. Anything less than this is sub-standard.

Zac Poonen - God's Perfect Plan For Those Who Have Failed
Genuine victory over sin is always accompanied by the deepest humility. This is where repeated failures have a part to play in destroying our self-confidence so that we are convinced that victory over sin is not possible apart from God's enabling grace. Then, when we do get victory, we can never boast about it.

Zac Poonen - The Video Tape Of Our Memory
The Bible says that a day is coming when we will all have to give an account of ourselves to God. When we consider all the billions of people who have lived on this earth during the many centuries of man's history, we may wonder how God could possibly keep a record of everything that every man did, said and thought, during his lifetime. This record is kept by God in each man's memory.

Zac Poonen - God And Mammon
Whenever a genuine Holy-Spirit revival comes anywhere, it will be a revival that delivers believers from the love of Mammon. Only such a revival will drive the prince of Mammon out of the church. Any other so-called "revival" is a counterfeit.

Zac Poonen - God And Mammon
The "prosperity gospel" was invented in the latter half of the 20th century by Mammon-loving preachers who had to find some "Scriptural" explanation to justify their extravagant lifestyles and the immense amount of wealth that they had accumulated from the tithes and offerings of their "devotees." So they hunted up Old Testament promises that God had given to Israel and began to proclaim those promises as the unfailing mark of God's blessing today.

Zac Poonen - The Godly Man's Life Is Exciting
Brokenness is the way of blessing. When the atom is split what power is released! It can give electricity to a whole city! Imagine the power that is released when a small atom - so small that you can't even see it under a microscope - is broken. The message in nature as well as in the Bible is just this: God's power is released through brokenness. May that message grip your life.

Zac Poonen - Living By Faith
The life of Jesus is not something that we can imitate. We must partake of it through the Holy Spirit. Most Christians do not experience this because they are not poor in spirit. That means that they do not live their lives with a constant awareness of their need of God. They are self-confident and independent.