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The website just gives me an error message unfortunately: "The origin web server is not …

Temple Grandin
Why are we postin eugenics???????????

typing text
Growth is mis-spelled at the end of the quote.

I am very addicted to monkeytype haha, just hit 10k tests on there

A honest socialist said...
nonsense propaganda


user67078's citations

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Andy Andrews - The Traveler's Gift
From this moment forward, I will accept responsibility for my past. I understand that the beginning of wisdom is to accept the responsibility for my own problems and that by accepting responsibility for my past, I free myself to move into a bigger, brighter future of my own choosing.

Andy Andrews - The Traveler's Gift
I am who my friends are. I speak their language, and I wear their clothes. I share their opinions and their habits. From this moment forward, I will choose to associate with people whose lives and lifestyles I admire. If I associate with chickens, I will learn to scratch at the ground and squabble over crumbs. If I associate with eagles, I will learn to soar to great heights. I am an eagle. It is my destiny to fly. I will seek wisdom.