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J.K. Rowling
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Marshall Sahlins
Altered title to reflect source of quote.

very well

Regretful Thoughts on an Anonymous Boy
Love the quote, would prefer 3 dots for elipses if you're gonna use them though. …

Ekko - League of Legends
I'm not sure about this one. It doesn't specify what "making the most out of …


wintaebearvc's citations

Tout citations

George Orwell - 1984
Tragedy, he perceived, belonged to the ancient time, to a time when there were still privacy, love, and friendship, and when the members of a family stood by one another without needing to know the reason.

George Orwell - 1984
He was a lonely ghost uttering a truth that nobody would ever hear. But so long as he uttered it, in some obscure way the continuity was not broken. It was not by making yourself heard but by staying sane that you carried on the human heritage.

George Orwell - 1984
Always the eyes watching you and the voice enveloping you. Asleep or awake, working or eating, indoor or out of doors, in the bath or in bed - no escape. Nothing was your own except the few cubic centimeters inside your skull.