Commentaires récents

Temple Grandin
Why are we postin eugenics???????????

typing text
Growth is mis-spelled at the end of the quote.

I am very addicted to monkeytype haha, just hit 10k tests on there

A honest socialist said...
nonsense propaganda

Albert Camus
Nice; the fourth period is a tad annoying, however.


yoran.e.jit's citations

Tout citations

Mitch Hedberg - Receipt for Donut
I bought a donut and they gave me a receipt for the donut. I don't need a receipt for a donut, I just give you the money, you give me the donut... end of transaction. We don't need to bring ink and paper into this. I just cannot imagine a scenario when I'd have to prove that I bought a donut. Some skeptical friend... don't even act like I didn't get that donut, I got the documentation right here! Oh wait it's back home in the file under "D" for donut.