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Rudyard Kipling - If
[English] 9 minutes by
If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you, If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, Or being lied about, don't deal in lies, Or being hated, don't give way to hating, And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise:.
If you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on you, if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their doubting too; If you can wait and not be tired by waiting, or being lied about, don't deal in lies, or being hated, don't give way to hating, and yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise.
Franklin D. Roosevelt - Pearl Harbor Speech
[English] 8 heures, 44 minutes by
Yesterday, December 7, 1941-a date that will live in infamy-the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.
Yesterday, December 7, 1941 - a date that will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.
Streetlight Manifiesto - Streetlight Manifesto - The Three of Us
[English] 16 heures, 56 minutes by
I will never defend the men who make amends with any enemy's friends, I will never pretend. There we were, the three of us, The thief, the king and I. Finally, we were forced to see, We were equals in the night. (Starry, starry night).
I will never defend the men who make amends with any enemy's friends, I will never pretend. There we were, the three of us, the thief, the king, and I. Finally, we were forced to see. We were equals in the night. (Starry, starry night).
Boris - Sin mí
[Español (Spanish)] 1 jour by
Abrí los ojos y allí no estaba ella. Desesperado la busqué por toda la habitación. Lo único que hallé fue el vago rostro de su fragancia fúnebre en el pasillo. Se había ido y no me había llevado con ella.
Abrí los ojos y allí no estaba ella. Desesperado la busqué por toda la habitación. Lo único que hallé fue el vago rastro de su fragancia fúnebre en el pasillo. Se había ido y no me había llevado con ella.
Assassination-classroom - Nagisa's determination.
[English] 3 jours, 7 heures by
'Okay, this is bound to be a little diffrent from what I'm used to so I need to stay focused. Just remember Mr karasuma's advice. One strike. I just need one strike.'' ''I just need to kill him.'.
Okay, this is bound to be a little different from what I'm used to, so I need to stay focused. Just remember Mr. Karasuma's advice: one strike. I just need one strike. I just need to kill him.
Diana Flores - Always answer
[English] 3 jours, 14 heures by
Many things happen in your life that you cannot explain, and other situations you feel ther's no answer, but just remember something: there's always an answer for everything.
Many things happen in your life that you cannot explain, and other situations you feel there's no answer, but just remember something: there's always an answer for everything.
Carrie Bradshaw - I heart NY
[English] 3 jours, 23 heures by
Maybe our mistakes are what make our fate. Without them, what would shape our lives? Perhaps if we never veered off course we wouldn't fall in love, or have babies, or be who we are. After all, seasons change. So do cites. People come into your life and people go. But it's comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart. And if you're very lucky, a plane ride away.
Maybe our mistakes are what make our fate. Without them, what would shape our lives? Perhaps if we never veered off course we wouldn't fall in love, or have babies, or be who we are. After all, seasons change. So do cities. People come into your life and people go. But it's comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart. And if you're very lucky, a plane ride away.
[Español (Spanish)] 4 jours, 20 heures by
Después de un tiempo aprenderás que el sol quema si te expones demasiado. Aceptarás incluso que las personas buenas podrían herirte alguna vez y necesitarás perdonarlos. Aprenderás que hablar puede aliviar los dolores del alma. Descubrirás que lleva años construir confianza y apenas solo unos segundos destruírla, y que tú también podrás hacer cosas de las que te arrepentirás el resto de tu vida.
Después de un tiempo aprenderás que el sol quema si te expones demasiado. Aceptarás incluso que las personas buenas podrían herirte alguna vez y necesitarás perdonarlos. Aprenderás que hablar puede aliviar los dolores del alma. Descubrirás que lleva años construir confianza y apenas solo unos segundos destruirla, y que tú también podrás hacer cosas de las que te arrepentirás el resto de tu vida.
anneris - Forgiveness
[English] 5 jours, 11 heures by
Forgiveness and not simply ending one's mistake to you but solely accepting the flaw of that person. Forgiveness a hard to give but feels a lot better than hating someone.
Forgiveness and not simply ending one's mistake to you but solely accepting the flaw of that person. Forgiveness is hard to give but feels a lot better than hating someone.
Max Pham - In the next four years...
➔ MP - In the next four years...
[English] 5 jours, 15 heures by
I will educate others when I can. I will engage people with conversations, not lectures. I will correct misinformation with facts and sources. I will be patient with people who are still learning. Because we are all victims to propaganda.
I will educate others when I can. I will engage people with conversations, not lectures. I will correct misinformation with facts and sources. I will be patient with people who are still learning. Because we are all victims to propaganda.
Max Pham - In the next four years...
➔ MP - In the next four years...
[English] 5 jours, 15 heures by
I will put my money where my heart is. I will prioritize supporting minority owned businesses. I will avoid funding corporations that harm me. I will support worker's rights, fair wages, and unions. Because our money is as powerful as our votes. I will make my voice heard. I will use my platforms intentionally and responsibly. I will write to my local representatives about issues. I will support protests and rallies for equality. Because silence doesn't make change happen.
I will put my money where my heart is. I will prioritize supporting minority owned businesses. I will avoid funding corporations that harm me. I will support worker's rights, fair wages, and unions. Because our money is as powerful as our votes. I will make my voice heard. I will use my platforms intentionally and responsibly. I will write to my local representatives about issues. I will support protests and rallies for equality. Because silence doesn't make change happen.
J. R. R. Tolkien - La comunidad del anillo
[Español (Spanish)] 5 jours, 21 heures by
No todo lo que es oro reluce, ni toda la gente errante anda perdida; a las raíces profundas no llega la escarcha, el viejo vigoroso no se marchita. De las cenizas subirá un fuego, y una luz asomará en las sombras; el descoronado será de nuevo rey, forjarán otra vez la espada rota.
No es oro todo lo que reluce, ni toda la gente errante anda perdida; a las raíces profundas no llega la escarcha, el viejo vigoroso no se marchita. De las cenizas subirá un fuego, y una luz asomará en las sombras; el descoronado será de nuevo rey, forjarán otra vez la espada rota.
Unknown - Fates beyond death
[English] 1 semaine by
We both know that there are fates far worse than death, Tom. Merely taking your life would not satisfy me, I admit. We are going to play a game. I am going to break one of your fingers. If you remain uncooperative, I will break another. We will continue this process with each bone in your body until you will cooperate. Then I, your ever so gracious master, will grant you death.
We both know that there are fates far worse than death, Tom. Merely taking your life would not satisfy me, I admit. We are going to play a game. I am going to break one of your fingers. If you remain uncooperative, I will break another. We will continue this process with each bone in your body until you will cooperate. Then I, your ever-so-gracious master, will grant you death.
Anonymous - I Don't Know
[English] 1 semaine by
It appears that I am in perpetual state of despondency. Every passing day seems wasted and empty. As a student now, my purpose is to achieve exemplary grades and participate in extracurriculars. For what? For college of course! So far I only got one-half right, and the other incomplete because to be honest: I don't have any particular passions. I feel as if I am just drifting through life. In fact, I'm not even sure If I want to go to college! Given your own rich individual experiences: advice?
It appears that I am in perpetual state of despondency. Every passing day seems wasted and empty. As a student now, my purpose is to achieve exemplary grades and participate in extracurriculars. For what? For college of course! So far I only got one-half right, and the other incomplete because to be honest: I don't have any particular passions. I feel as if I am just drifting through life. In fact, I'm not even sure If I want to go to college! Given your own rich individual experiences: advice?
Marcus Luttrell
[English] 1 semaine by
There's a storm inside of us. I've heard many team guys speak of this. A burning, a river, a drive. An unrelenting desire to push yourself harder, and father than anyone could think possible. Pushing ourselves into those cold, dark corners where the bad things live. Where the bad things fight. We want that fight at the highest volume. A loud fight. The loudest, coldest, darkest, most unpleasant of unpleasant fights.
There's a storm inside of us. I've heard many team guys speak of this. A burning, a river, a drive. An unrelenting desire to push yourself harder, and farther than anyone could think possible. Pushing ourselves into those cold, dark corners where the bad things live. Where the bad things fight. We want that fight at the highest volume. A loud fight. The loudest, coldest, darkest, most unpleasant of unpleasant fights.
Living Speed Bump - HHKB
➔ Living Speed Bump - HHKB
[English] 1 semaine, 1 jour by
It may not immediately knock your socks off like some of the flashier offerings available these days, but thanks the the layout and excellent feeling of the Topre switches, it has desk-staying-power. Out of the 40 or 50 keyboards currently living under my roof, the HHKB gets the most use by far.
It may not immediately knock your socks off like some of the flashier offerings available these days, but thanks to the layout and excellent feeling of the Topre switches, it has desk-staying-power. Out of the 40 or 50 keyboards currently living under my roof, the HHKB gets the most use by far.
Benjamin Hoff - And the Ugly Duckling
[English] 1 semaine, 2 jours by
RabIn the story of the Ugly Duckling, when did the Ugly Duckling stop feeling ugly? When he realized that he was a Swan. Each of us has something special, a Swan of some sort, hidden inside somewhere. But until we recognize that it's there, what can we do but splash around, treading water? The Wise are Who They Are. They work with what they've got and do what they can do.
In the story of the Ugly Duckling, when did the Ugly Duckling stop feeling ugly? When he realized that he was a Swan. Each of us has something special, a Swan of some sort, hidden inside somewhere. But until we recognize that it's there, what can we do but splash around, treading water? The Wise are Who They Are. They work with what they've got and do what they can do.
Darren Shan - El Aprendiz De Vampiro
[Español (Spanish)] 1 semaine, 3 jours by
En las novelas, los protagonistas pueden cometer tantos errores como quieran. No importa lo que hagan, porque al final todo sale bien. Derrotan a los malos, arreglan las cosas y todo acaba bien. Pero la vida real es horrible. Es cruel. No le importa los protagonistas heróicos y los finales felices y cómo deberían ser las cosas. En la vida real, las cosas malas suceden. La gente muere. Las luchas se pierden y a menudo vence el mal.
En las novelas, los protagonistas pueden cometer tantos errores como quieran. No importa lo que hagan, porque al final todo sale bien. Derrotan a los malos, arreglan las cosas y todo acaba bien. Pero la vida real es horrible. Es cruel. No le importa los protagonistas heroicos y los finales felices y cómo deberían ser las cosas. En la vida real, las cosas malas suceden. La gente muere. Las luchas se pierden y a menudo vence el mal.
unknowen - you did this
[English] 1 semaine, 3 jours by
YOU touched my heart and brought me out of the dark,YOU kept me safe in your arms and gave me all your love and charms then you let go and pushed me back in the dark where I nurse my cold broken heart -three years later- Someone asked if i missed you and i didn't answer. I just closed my eyes and walked away. and i whisper: never ever again.
YOU touched my heart and brought me out of the dark, YOU kept me safe in your arms and gave me all your love and charms then you let go and pushed me back in the dark where I nurse my cold broken heart -three years later- Someone asked if I missed you and I didn't answer. I just closed my eyes and walked away. And I whisper: never ever again.
Larry McMurtry - Querido Billy
[Español (Spanish)] 1 semaine, 3 jours by
Por supuesto, él sabía muy bien que era así. En el Oeste, todo el mundo había oído hablar de él, sin contar a muchas personas en otras partes del mundo. Desde hacía dos años, cuando liquidaron a Wild Bill Hickok en Dakota del Sur, dudo que existiera otro pistolero con una reputación semejante a la de Billy. Pero me limité a Mirarlo y a intentar mantener una actitud relajada.
Por supuesto, él sabía muy bien que era así. En el Oeste, todo el mundo había oído hablar de él, sin contar a muchas personas en otras partes del mundo. Desde hacía dos años, cuando liquidaron a Wild Bill Hickok en Dakota del Sur, dudo que existiera otro pistolero con una reputación semejante a la de Billy. Pero me limité a m,irarlo y a intentar mantener una actitud relajada.
The Weakerthans - Sounds Familiar
[English] 1 semaine, 3 jours by
And that still twitching bird was so deceived by a window, so we eulogized, we dug deep and threw its elegant plumage and frantic black eyes in a hole and rushed out to kill something new so we could bury that too. The first chapters of life almost made us give up altogether.
And that still twitching bird was so deceived by a window, so we eulogized fondly, we dug deep and threw its elegant plumage and frantic black eyes in a hole and rushed out to kill something new so we could bury that too. The first chapters of life almost made us give up altogether.
David Sainz (El negro) - Filosofia Malviviendo
[Español (Spanish)] 1 semaine, 5 jours by
Y así son todos los días, idénticos, dejando pasar las horas como si fuesen los anuncios que nos obligan a ver mientras esperamos que nuestro programa preferido empiece. Vuelvo a casa tarde mintiéndome y prometiendo que mañana voy a empezar a ponerme en serio, que me hago viejo ¿A quién voy a engañar? seguiré sentado esperando un golpe de suerte. Tarde o temprano me tiene que tocar a mí.
Y así son todos los días, idénticos, dejando pasar las horas como si fuesen los anuncios que nos obligan a ver mientras esperamos que nuestro programa preferido empiece. Vuelvo a casa tarde mintiéndome y prometiendo que mañana voy a empezar a ponerme en serio, que me hago viejo ¿A quién voy a engañar? Seguiré sentado esperando un golpe de suerte. Tarde o temprano me tiene que tocar a mí.
Arthur Schopenhauer
[English] 1 semaine, 6 jours by
The conversation among ordinary people, when it does not relate to any special matter of fact, but takes a more general character, mostly consists in hackneyed commonplaces, which they alternately repeat to each oother with the utmost complacency.
The conversation among ordinary people, when it does not relate to any special matter of fact, but takes a more general character, mostly consists in hackneyed commonplaces, which they alternately repeat to each other with the utmost complacency.
Maggie Stiefvater - Linger
[English] 2 semaines by
Once upon a time, Mom really liked Sam. She'd even flirted with him in her mom way and asked him to sing and pose for a portrait. But that was back when he was just a boy that I was seeing. Now that it was clear that Sam was here to stay, Mom's friendliness had evaporated and she an I communicated in the language of silence.
Once upon a time, Mom really liked Sam. She'd even flirted with him in her mom way and asked him to sing and pose for a portrait. But that was back when he was just a boy that I was seeing. Now that it was clear that Sam was here to stay, Mom's friendliness had evaporated and she and I communicated in the language of silence.
Unknown - Your Love...
[English] 2 semaines by
Your love is my precious treasure which I can't share with anyone else... My whole universe is in your eyes and my world is inside your hug... Your heart is my home where I want to live forever and ever... You give my life a meaning which starts and ends on you... You are my blessing from God who teaches me the way to be happy and helps me in finding the real me... I love you more then anything else in this life and beyond.
Your love is my precious treasure which I can't share with anyone else... My whole universe is in your eyes and my world is inside your hug... Your heart is my home where I want to live forever and ever... You give my life a meaning which starts and ends on you... You are my blessing from God who teaches me the way to be happy and helps me in finding the real me... I love you more than anything else in this life and beyond.
Virginia Woolf - La chambre de Jacob
[Français (French)] 2 semaines by
Aucun de nous ne voit les autres tels qu'ils sont, et pas plus une cinquantenaire assise en face d'un jeune inconnu, dans le train. Ce qu'on voit, c'est un ensemble - c'est toutes sortes de choses - c'est « soi » qu'on voit.
Aucun de nous ne voit les autres tels qu'ils sont, et pas plus une cinquantenaire assise en face d'un jeune inconnu, dans le train. Ce qu'on voit, c'est un ensemble - c'est toutes sortes de choses - c'est " soi " qu'on voit.
Jam Rae - Info
[English] 2 semaines by
A landslide or landslip is a geological phenomenon which includes a wide range of ground movement, such as rockfalls, deep failure of slopesand shallow debris flows, which can occur in offshore, coastal and onshore environments.
A landslide or landslip is a geological phenomenon which includes a wide range of ground movement, such as rockfalls, deep failure of slopes and shallow debris flows, which can occur in offshore, coastal and onshore environments.
Colossus1989 - Padre nuestro
[Español (Spanish)] 2 semaines, 1 jour by
Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos, santificado sea tu nombre, venga a nosotros tu reino, hágase tu voluntad, así en la tierra, como en el cielo. Danos hoy el pan nuestro de cada día, y perdóna nuestras ofensas así como perdonamos a quien nos ofenden, no nos dejes caer en la tentación y líbranos de todo mal, Amén.
Padre nuestro que estás en los cielos, santificado sea tu nombre, venga a nosotros tu reino, hágase tu voluntad, así en la tierra, como en el cielo. Danos hoy el pan nuestro de cada día, y perdona nuestras ofensas así como perdonamos a quien nos ofenden, no nos dejes caer en la tentación y líbranos de todo mal, Amén.
Homero J. Simpson - Esto es el barrio chino
[Español (Spanish)] 2 semaines, 1 jour by
No sabes como es eso, Marge... yo soy el que va todo los días ahí a romperse el alma... ¡Y no estoy fuera de lugar! ¡Tú estas fuera de lugar! ¡Todo el maldito sistema está fuera de lugar! ¡¿Quieres la verdad?! ¡¿Quieres la verdad?! ¡Tú no puedes manejar la verdad! Porque cuando se levanta la mano para tocar la cara de lo que fue tu mejor amigo y es un montón de basura... uno... no sabe que hacer. ¡Olvídalo, Marge! ¡Esto es el barrio chino!
No sabes cómo es eso, Marge... yo soy el que va todos los días ahí a romperse el alma... ¡Y no estoy fuera de lugar! ¡Tú estás fuera de lugar! ¡Todo el maldito sistema está fuera de lugar! ¡¿Quieres la verdad?! ¡¿Quieres la verdad?! ¡Tú no puedes manejar la verdad! Porque cuando se levanta la mano para tocar la cara de lo que fue tu mejor amigo y es un montón de basura... uno... no sabe qué hacer. ¡Olvídalo, Marge! ¡Esto es el barrio chino!
Anonymous - Perception
[English] 2 semaines, 2 jours by
It's funny how perception can affect someone's response to a simple phrase so drastically. Working at a call center I have a tendency to refer to people as sir or ma'am. It's interesting how people respond; some people are so offended while others seem to really appreciate it. It doesn't seem too dependent on age. I've gotten older people who appreciate the formal title, and some fall into the offended camp. Same with younger people as well. Strange world.
It's funny how perception can affect someone's response to a simple phrase so drastically. Working at a call center, I have a tendency to refer to people as sir or ma'am. It's interesting how people respond, some people are so offended, while others seem to really appreciate it. It doesn't seem too dependent on age. I've gotten older people who appreciate the formal title, and some fall into the offended camp. Same with younger people as well. Strange world.
Ambaji Rao - Friends
[English] 2 semaines, 2 jours by
Friends are not only the human beings, they may be animals, things, nature, spirit or god. They may not be have same age group or gender. They may not be alive. They may not be speak with you. They may not be visible to you. They may not known to you. They may not do anything to you. But they always with you, do not harm you, help you, accompany you, they do whatever you want, but you do only one thing. That is mind this universe as friendly.
Friends are not only human beings - they may be animals, things, nature, spirits, or god. They may not be in the same age group or gender. They may not be alive. They may not speak with you. They may not be visible to you. They may not be known to you. They may not do anything to you. But they are always with you; do not harm you; help you; accompany you - they do whatever you want. But you do only one thing: that is mind this universe as friendly.
baby MJ comia(myself) - just be yourself
[English] 2 semaines, 2 jours by
Never compare yourself to anyone else because we have unique ability,unique strength,skills and we have our own unforgettable experiences, we can be better in any ways, just be your self and you will find out that you are a better person.
Never compare yourself to anyone else because we have unique ability, unique strength, skills and we have our own unforgettable experiences, we can be better in any ways, just be your self and you will find out that you are a better person.
Julian Koster - The Orbiting Human Circus
[English] 2 semaines, 2 jours by
And as the janitor talks, his features soften, and his body becomes more relaxes, and the expression of concern and intention on the night watchman's face slowly transforms into a look of interest and amusement. And, in a few moments, neither of them is the least bit aware of the fact that, minutes ago, Coco had nearly been removed from this world by a falling bucket, because he is being removed from the world now, by something much nicer.
And as the janitor talks, his features soften, and his body becomes more relaxed, and the expression of concern and intention on the night watchman's face slowly transforms into a look of interest and amusement. And, in a few moments, neither of them is the least bit aware of the fact that, minutes ago, Coco had nearly been removed from this world by a falling bucket, because he is being removed from the world now, by something much nicer.
Peyton Sawyer - Breathe - OTH
[English] 2 semaines, 3 jours by
It's a rush. This new darkness that appears. Everything is coming at you so fast. One second you're happy with your life, and then you get this over towering feeling of sadness. In this depression you feel alone, knowing of rejection. All because something happens and you don't know how to react, because simply of the process of letting someone in. Especially, when the people closest to you disappoint you. Even when they think they were protecting you, but all we need to do is breathe.
It's a rush. This new darkness that appears. Everything is coming at you so fast. One second you're happy with your life, and then you get this over powering feeling of sadness. In this depression you feel alone, knowing rejection. All because something happens and you don't know how to react, because simply of the process of letting someone in. Especially, when the people closest to you disappoint you. Even when they think they were protecting you, but all we need to do is breathe.
"SnooPING AS usual I see" - Snooze
➔ Snooze - "SnooPING AS usual I see"
[English] 2 semaines, 3 jours by
Below, the audience waits with bated breath. With stars in their eyes the likes of which we've never seen, they watch your lips move ever so slightly; waiting. "You guys are too kind. You guys, I can't find words to describe how little and insignificant this award is."
Below, the audience waits with bated breath. With stars in their eyes the likes of which we've never seen, they watch your lips move ever so slightly; waiting. "You guys are too kind. You guys, I can't find words to describe how little and insignificant this award is."
Sun Tzu - The Art of War: Laying Plans 14-15
[English] 2 semaines, 3 jours by
14. By means of these seven considerations I can fore- cast victory or defeat. 15. The general that hearkens to my counsel and acts upon it, will conquer: let such a one be retained in command! The general that hearkens not to my coun- sel nor acts upon it, will suffer defeat:-let such a one be dismissed!
14. By means of these seven considerations I can forecast victory or defeat. 15. The general that hearkens to my counsel and acts upon it, will conquer: let such a one be retained in command! The general that hearkens not to my counsel nor acts upon it, will suffer defeat:-let such a one be dismissed!
George R. R. Martin - A Game of Thrones
[English] 2 semaines, 3 jours by
You realize I had half my guard out searching for you?" Eddard Stark said when they were alone. "Septa Mordane is beside herself with fear. She's in the sept praying for your safe return. Arya, you know you are never to go beyond thou castle gates without my leave.
"You realize I had half my guard out searching for you?" Eddard Stark said when they were alone. "Septa Mordane is beside herself with fear. She's in the sept praying for your safe return. Arya, you know you are never to go beyond thou castle gates without my leave."