Conseil de dactylographie, comment faire moins d'erreur

1) Précision

J'avais essayé d'améliorer ma vitesse pendant des mois et je n'ai pas vu beaucoup d'amélioration. Une fois, j'ai ralenti et j'ai commencé à être plus précis au lieu d'essayer de taper plus vite j'ai commencé à voir une augmentation de ma vitesse de frappe. Je me sens plus en contrôle. J'ai encore du chemin à parcourir pour mon but, mais je suis heureux.
Apprendre à être précis en premier, puis augmenter la vitesse ensuite.Chaque fois que vous faites backspace, ça prend plus de temps que si vous ralentissez un peu mais avec une meilleur précision. J'ai toujours fait beaucoup de fautes, mais je me rends compte quand je ralentis pour être précis, j'ai effectivement tendance à taper un peu plus vite.

2) Rythme

Ce qui est important est l'élaboration d'un rythme, de ne pas se presser. Etre précis est la première priorité. La vitesse vient naturellement avec la pratique et le temps. En conclusion, on doit apprendre à ne saisir que ce que l'on voit/lit!

Démarrez la formation


conseils dactylographie

Quelques pistes

* Mettez les index sur les touches qui ont un relief (petit point ou barre)
* A chaque touche il y a un doigt assigné. Une touche doit toujours être tapée par le même doigt.
* Ne regardez pas le clavier, les yeux doivent toujours être sur l'écran
* Entrainez-vous !

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Astuces des utilisateurs

mhdsaeedalsoufi 1 année, 4 mois avant
What really helped me improve my typing speed is...Is trying to not think about anything while typing, because it is gonna distract u a lot and it will affect ur speed, just keep ur mind focused in the next letter not the past or the task u have to do in the near future...

jodis2480 1 année, 4 mois avant
When my fingers hurt after too much time on anything i've been working on, I feel like i've done it right, maybe not in the sense of rightness in work, but in my heart i feel at peace because I did the best i could.

jogri 1 année, 4 mois avant
2023-05-17_ Had a good quick 5 min session today, bumped up my scores a bit so I thought I'd record them before they dip again haha.

Interestingly, my speed is consistently above 80 now, and if I focus on accuracy, I can keep that pretty high too. So my long term goal from before is quite manageable now. Perhaps I should focus on those Monkeytype goals?

Recent speed = 89.37
Recent accuracy = 98.08%

jogri 1 année, 4 mois avant
2023-05-05_ Just updated my mechanical keyboard by lubing all of my coffee chip tactile switches and swapping their springs for double stages like in the neapolitans. Damn do they sound good and feel good. Like thocking thick acrylic nails against marble. Highly recommend.

Recent speed = 85.02
Recent accuracy = 97.31%

jogri 1 année, 5 mois avant
2023-04-27_ Just another update after trying to be more consistent the past few weeks on drilling a little bit of typing when I can.

Recent speed = 80.31
Recent accuracy = 94.81%

jogri 1 année, 5 mois avant
2023-04-05_ So I am back on the wagon again now. Practicing regularly, and feeling more confident again. Noticing more regular quotes in the 90+ range. And hovering around the 90-100 wpm mark on typetest when I'm feeling good.

Recent speed = 78.55
Recent accuracy = 97.40%

mimeee 1 année, 6 mois avant
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I... sleep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

tylerswift 1 année, 6 mois avant
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I take a break and look at my surroundings. Do some work, a job where I'm paid to work and then get back to increase my speed.

martharose 1 année, 6 mois avant
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I try to focus on something else. Like listening to music. That always helps me with really anything in life.

user84672 1 année, 7 mois avant
What really helped me improve my typing speed is just being better than I used to be and typing a lot because typing a lot is a lot of practice and a lot of practice is what you need to type fast.

empeterson113 1 année, 7 mois avant
What really helped me improve my typing speed is... using typing test pages. I find it helpful when I can just continuously practice typing instead of stopping in between each test. Especially on this specific page.

empeterson113 1 année, 7 mois avant
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I... stretch all my fingers. Then, I use a technique I learned from my physical therapist to strengthen my hands and wrist.

lildarkie 1 année, 7 mois avant
If you want to type faster I would say to take it slow at first, build muscle memory and only do a couple lessons a day, don't over work it.

dankdave69 1 année, 8 mois avant
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I put both my hands inside my butt for 30 minutes and then take it out and continue practicing my typing after proper disinfection.

kitaura 1 année, 8 mois avant
My typing accuracy isn't great since I don't use the home row, but I just type the best I can and will hopefully get better overtime.

jogri 1 année, 9 mois avant
2022-12-16_ Ugh. More struggles in improving my speed and accuracy. Really feel like I'm going no where, but I'm sure I will break through again soon. Very nearly hit 100WPM today on monkeytype english 60s. But that was my first test of the day and I only went downhill from there.

Recent speed = 70.59
Recent accuracy = 94.46%
