Conseil de dactylographie, comment faire moins d'erreur
1) Précision
J'avais essayé d'améliorer ma vitesse pendant des mois et je n'ai pas vu beaucoup d'amélioration. Une fois, j'ai ralenti et j'ai commencé à être plus précis au lieu d'essayer de taper plus vite j'ai commencé à voir une augmentation de ma vitesse de frappe. Je me sens plus en contrôle. J'ai encore du chemin à parcourir pour mon but, mais je suis heureux.
Apprendre à être précis en premier, puis augmenter la vitesse ensuite.Chaque fois que vous faites backspace, ça prend plus de temps que si vous ralentissez un peu mais avec une meilleur précision. J'ai toujours fait beaucoup de fautes, mais je me rends compte quand je ralentis pour être précis, j'ai effectivement tendance à taper un peu plus vite.
2) Rythme
Ce qui est important est l'élaboration d'un rythme, de ne pas se presser. Etre précis est la première priorité. La vitesse vient naturellement avec la pratique et le temps. En conclusion, on doit apprendre à ne saisir que ce que l'on voit/lit!
* Mettez les index sur les touches qui ont un relief (petit point ou barre)
* A chaque touche il y a un doigt assigné. Une touche doit toujours être tapée par le même doigt.
* Ne regardez pas le clavier, les yeux doivent toujours être sur l'écran
* Entrainez-vous !
Tip? The best tip I can share is practice. A lot of practice. I really got into typing when I was in college, and I wanted to talk in my online classes. However, by the time I answered one question everybody else was three questions down. I worked on my accuracy then on my muscle memory. Now on a good day I can type 80 WPM! I am pretty proud of myself.
2022-06-04_ I realise I go the the date wrong in my last post, whoops haha. Anyone I'm feeling a little bit quicker now. But still it is high accuracy that eludes me. Particularly when I've been practicing for a while and my fingers/brain are a little fatigued. Accuracy will be my focus for now.
Ok so basically I'm gonna be stopping typing practice on and off of this account, and I am only going to do instant death mode. I have wished that it would record my scores in a chart but it does not, so I'm going to make that chart in a spreadsheet, and I will come back when I am ready to start being accountable.
2022-05-06_ It's interesting that in the last week I've dipped to my lowest scores in a while, almost back to my original baseline, before bouncing up to new peaks; including my first 90wpm with 100%. Before falling back to an average (because I kept typing while my fingers were fatigued) haha.
My tip to improve your typing speed is to familiarize your fingers with the positions of the keys and make yourself knowledgeable with a lot of words to make it easier to spell as well as to type. So you can type the words as fast as you say it.
2022-04-30_ Been working hard this week and also trying a new website that uses an algorithm to make me write words and use letters that I often mess up. I feel like it has been helping my accuracy, but I'm still waiting to see proper improvements. Also yesterday I typed for too long and tanked my ratings haha.
My tip to improve your typing speed is to practice every day whenever you have some free time to the point that your discord friends make fun of you for it
It's been an year since i stopped typing for fun. Now, I could not say whether my speed has increased but sure there is a change, and I can feel it in my arms.
My tip to improve your typing speed is to just sit back and let the words come naturally. Eventually you'll pick up speed, but for now it's better to focus on accuracy. Focus on how well you know your words so when one of those tricky ones comes up, you already know the movements your fingers need to make.
My tip to improve your typing speed is to... practice? And don't focus on not making errors. Accuracy should be priority but pay attention to the letters and words themselves rather than "don't make a mistake."
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I...Stretch them and wash my hands in hot water so they can unthaw, Then wait until I can move them again before getting back to typing.