luckyirish777 Steven Brick


Trend over 79 games.
Classement 125254 / 333909
Nombre de jeux 79
Best game 65.01
Vitesse récente
moyenne des jeux récents
Ancienne vitesse
moyenne des premiers jeux
Meilleure vitesse 51.10
Précision récente
moyenne des jeux récents
Ancienne précision
moyenne des premiers jeux
La vitesse est en MPM (Mots Par Minutes).
La précision indique le nombre d'erreurs pendant un test de dactylographie 100% c'est pour 0 erreur.


Tests récents

Haruki Murakami 49.79 95.1% 8 mois, 3 semaines avant
from DOTA 2 62.91 98.7% 8 mois, 3 semaines avant
Raven 53.89 93.3% 8 mois, 3 semaines avant
Matthew 57.95 96.3% 8 mois, 3 semaines avant
From me, to you. 52.46 93.3% 9 mois avant
Voltaire 45.65 92.0% 9 mois avant
K. Arsenault Rivera 37.34 92.6% 9 mois avant
William Gibson 51.13 94.1% 9 mois avant
I.m (Tumblr) 29.53 70.4% 9 mois avant
The Joker 60.03 98.5% 9 mois avant
My laptop is the Dell XPS 17 with 4K touch screen, 64GB RAM. This is the keyboard I have been practicing on to get back up to speed typing. I learned to type in high school during my junior and senior years using selectric(electric/mechanical) typewriters. Our instructor required use to take the time to stop and correct our typing mistakes with either liquid white-out brush from a bottle or the auto white-out tape built into the typewriters...LOL. Because of this slow and tedious training method, I only achieved a typing speed of 35 wpm. That was in the years 1987 and 1988. The Commodore 64 was the computer model our high school was using for computer classes then. Later in 1991 after completing avionics schools in the U.S. Navy, I purchased my first, very own Tandy laptop computer with the LCD half screen. This laptop came with a simple program called Typing Tutor which simply beeped at you when you made a typing mistake and it gave you extra typing drills to strengthen your weak key strokes. Using this program I was able to achieve a top typing speed of about 70 wpm, so training method is obviously significantly important to achieve optimum typing speed improvements. I am a perfectionist, so my main objective is accuracy and not speed. I do not like the typing game Nitro Type because accuracy is not rewarded, but rather, the winners there are simply the sloppy typers who bang on the most keys disregarding their ability to effectively communicate through a keyboard.
Dernière connexion 8 mois, 3 semaines avant
Date d'inscription 10 mois, 1 semaine avant
Clavier / Portable Dell
Configuration du clavier QWERTY
Utilisation des ordis 4-8 heures / jour
Citations 0


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Précision :

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