user84672 Acheson Ye

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Trend over 634 games.
Classement 14456 / 334790
Nombre de jeux 634
Best game 98.90
Vitesse récente
moyenne des jeux récents
Ancienne vitesse
moyenne des premiers jeux
Meilleure vitesse 71.00
Précision récente
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Ancienne précision
moyenne des premiers jeux
La vitesse est en MPM (Mots Par Minutes).
La précision indique le nombre d'erreurs pendant un test de dactylographie 100% c'est pour 0 erreur.


chieftyper 1 année, 7 mois avant
My tip to improve your typing speed is to type faster fr fr ong nocap amogus
user84672 1 année, 11 mois avant
What really helped me improve my typing speed is just being better than I used to be and typing a lot because typing a lot is a lot of practice and a lot of practice is what you need to type fast.
user84672 3 années, 2 mois avant
My tip to improve your typing speed is to just type faster. Because if you type slow, then you won't type fast.
user84672 3 années, 9 mois avant
What really helped me improve my typing speed is just typing all these papers for college classes. God they're so much work.

PS this what really helped me shit is getting tired, like I haven't done it in so long, but it's so boring.
user84672 3 années, 12 mois avant
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I feel some deja vu because I feel like I already did this quote. JK, I actually did this and I really have nothing new to say. BUT if your fingers do hurt after too much time on the keyboard then cut them off. Your fingers can't hurt if you have none. amiright?
seanss 4 années, 1 mois avant
No one that runs marathons begin by first running 26 miles. Many people 'hit a wall' at 13 miles and then keep going, and then may get a 'second wind' at 23 miles. You just have to keep typing through it, but be focused. Thank you for your wise words of inspiration and I will tell my grandchildren of them
user84672 4 années, 1 mois avant
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I cry because pain is painful. Just like how it is cold when you go outside and it's cold or when you know it's night when you go outside and it's night.
user84672 4 années, 3 mois avant
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I just don't hurt cuz I'm built different.
user84672 4 années, 4 mois avant
My tip to improve your typing speed is to type faster ong.
user84672 4 années, 5 mois avant
What really helped me improve my typing speed is being in the shang gang. And that's on crip.

Tests récents

Maynard James Keen 98.90 100% 1 année, 11 mois avant
anonymous 81.09 94.4% 1 année, 11 mois avant
Anna Quindlen 86.70 96.7% 1 année, 11 mois avant
The Beatles 93.93 97.3% 1 année, 11 mois avant
random thoughts 91.69 95.5% 1 année, 11 mois avant
someone random 96.29 95.7% 1 année, 11 mois avant
Leo from that 70s show 93.90 99.4% 1 année, 11 mois avant
@ambernoelle 93.58 96.3% 1 année, 11 mois avant
Sara Lance 80.49 91.8% 1 année, 11 mois avant
John Steinbeck 78.16 96.9% 3 années, 2 mois avant
Dernière connexion 1 année, 11 mois avant
Date d'inscription 4 années, 8 mois avant
Clavier / Portable N/A
Configuration du clavier QWERTY
Utilisation des ordis Too many heures / jour
Citations 2


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