Commentaires récents

Albert Einstein

wanna_be_typist 6 mois avant
The devil must be jealous of the person who put an exponential number in a random typing test...


wanna_be_typist 6 mois avant
Among other errors, I couldn't avoid that "dont" even I was aware few words before reaching it.


dezz 6 mois avant
Incorrect grammar!


soaps 6 mois avant
Ay, I didn't get to see totality either, but it was still fun, and to be fair not a lot of people got to see totality either so I don't feel so bad tbh


phoenixmathera 6 mois avant
Typing this quote on April 8th 2024.

Unknown Typist

smashtoub 6 mois avant
You have used the wrong "your" twice. It's "you're"

Erwin Brecher

bvw 6 mois avant
Perhaps the seconds of a minute? Specifically the third second.


bvw 6 mois avant
Life is not meant to be easy. It can be but the normal program your soul is invested into your dear body is to grow the soul closer to God, in this world outside the Garden of Eden, it is thorn-filled, painful, and in the end, deadly. Develop awe, fear even, of God, closeness and love for God and one way needed to do that is to love and appreciate creation and the highest part of creation: other fellow humans. You can't do that when you don't love your work, your career, your livelihood. So adapt that come to love it, so your are a glory to us all.

John Green – The Fault In Our Stars

bvw 6 mois avant
Of course not. Every second of existence has a purpose. We humans, that is humanity, as a whole over time, are THE PURPOSE of time and creation. Make the best of it all -- there is One God, and we are close to him, our purpose is to get much closer.


bvw 6 mois avant
A child can not help but learn from the parents. The bad habits and not so good styles of the parents will be copied by the child. It's hard to throw them off! That takes low probability circumstances, or a fortunate, morally, adulthood where the child is blessed with the moral strength and external environment to do so. I think God gives all a chance to do so, so that's hopeful, but bad habits of the parent, like the good habits are by NATURE passed along, indeed, by NATURE, the more hurtful habits may be somewhat preferred.

Carson McCullers

bvw 6 mois avant
Homesickness, I think, is a universal aspect of humans far from home, from the long experienced things and ways of home. One of my anthropology professors noted how expat communities tend to over-express styles, speech and signs of their home community almost in a caricature form. Ex-Texans in LA and NY wear fancy cowboy boots and big cowboy hats and speak in pronounced drawls, when in Texas all that is much less common at the time. So too communities of Chinese in India, or Hindus in Trinadad. These are forms of homesickness.


bvw 6 mois avant
Don't look at others so dismally to excuse your own failing -- by failing is meant what the quote author feels in penning it. Or keyboarding it. The signal that he or she considers 'loneliness' a failing is in a few places here. One signal is the initial defensiveness, for it is the author that calls up the sense of being labeled 'feebleminded', not anyone else. The other is in the curse the author lays on the 'other'. The curse that they fall apart in their lifes when they face loneliness. That's not so, it can be in a case or a few, but in general: no. We write to look inward. Like a mirror to ourselves is what we claim, especially in a negative way, for others. So start importing in your own persona a good outlook to others, and then you might REALLY come to enjoy your own life, including the loneliness. Surely your own lonelienss was bitter to you when you wrote this

Moshe Cordovero (translation: Henry Abramson)

bvw 6 mois avant
This remains great advice.

Edwin Markham

bvw 6 mois avant
Bunkum. You never know when the end is. Do your best in the moment. Every moment is unique, so too is the best you can do in it This quote suggest you should waste time thinking you are done and did great. You are not done. And it doesn't matter much if you did great or badly: for it is the NEXT moment, all the upcoming moments that count, and you ain't there yet.

Michael Westen, Burn Notice

bvw 6 mois avant
No, none of this. What you create by this method is a liability. A debt. And the debt collectors are fierce, with patience and long memories.

Viggo Mortensen - Return of the King

bvw 6 mois avant
Historical NB:

JRR Tolkien in the last years of World War II channeling The St. Crispin’s Day speech from 1599's hit theater piece Henry V by William Shakespeare.

James Madison

bvw 6 mois avant
Madison here speaks to his own understanding then, in the late 18th century and early 19th, of "religion". In context it means only the sectarian differences between the Abrahamic religions, mostly of Christian sects, with a shading of Jewish and Muslim influence, and even of Deism. In any case it does NOT include atheism or even agnosticism. Today, anything but atheism or humanism aka secular humanism is viewed as "religion".

Cat Styles

thegiraffian 6 mois avant
who asked lmfao


feuv 6 mois avant
Ah, the art of procrastination in its finest form!


feuv 6 mois avant
I've only submitted one quote so far and I've gotten it three times already LMAO