Waste of time - Anonymous

This quote a été ajouté par user68447
Seriously, why are you still doing this? You've been typing for hours and still can't seem to pull yourself away from the computer screen. This is a waste of time! Go and be productive or something.

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translucent 6 années, 7 mois avant
This is a nice quote! Typing really is addicting.
jjp 6 années, 9 mois avant
You're not the boss of me!
wrong 6 années, 10 mois avant
i agree!

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zman 146.51 98.5%
mohitpatil30197 143.20 100%
user40438 136.61 100%
gordonlew 132.70 98.0%
space_cadet 131.34 98.5%
user50054 130.71 100%

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user238034 82.82 98.5%
user238034 83.78 97.1%
user871724 180.68 98.0%
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geageorgia 95.54 97.5%
caloy 21.40 94.3%
mgreen22097 101.46 98.5%