Fate - Destinie Rodriguez-Lopez

This quote a été ajouté par rodriguezlopezd
Not everything happens for a reason. There are things in our life that don't always matter. Sometimes, we meet some people, remember them for some days, but forget them. They leave no impact in our lives. Not everything happens for a reason. Not everything is important. Fate does not exist.

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asioxcore 5 années, 1 mois avant
@weesin @bvw Hahaha, I like your response weesin
weesin 5 années, 6 mois avant
@bvw, almost all your quotes mention god. Perhaps this is not the best forum to discuss your religious beliefs. Perhaps you could leave comments that are more secular in nature?
weesin 5 années, 6 mois avant
why would you find that ironic @acgimael? She didn't choose the name "Destinie" for herself - her parents did. I would agree that it would be ironic if she named herself "Destinie", but I don't think that was the case
acgimael 5 années, 6 mois avant
I find it very, very ironic that someone named 'Destinie' would think like this. Well, best wishes to you, anyway.
bvw 5 années, 11 mois avant
Everything happens for a reason. Everything! But its impossible for us in this plane to know even a sliver of the reasons. It takes many years of training, moral and intellectual education of a good grade for nearly anyone to be sensitive to at least some of the reasons for the all that is going on in their experiences and senses, and thoughts. It is a duty to make a effort to seek reasons. For in that quest we do find G-d. G-d is not "fate"! What a beastly and destructive concept is "fate", but worse to deny any meaning.
tyler 7 années, 7 mois avant
I agree with this. Not everything has to have a meaning.

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