To be perfect - Aditya Raj

This quote a été ajouté par adityabhamer
One can never be perfect. To be perfect one needs to practice till he dies. If you practice till death then also you can never say that you are perfect because there is always someone who is better than you. One needs to know about his or her weaknesses so that he can try hard.

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teilo 10 années, 10 mois avant
Those who expect perfection will always be disappointed. Strive for perfection, but never expect it.
afbwelter 11 années, 2 mois avant
I do not like this quote. Surely, no one can be perfect in every way, but one can become reasonably talented to the point that you are basically perfectly. This state of mind is not one that I agree with at all. It is demeaning because it sets you before failure before even beginning the race.
thomklaasse 12 années, 7 mois avant
user16055 12 années, 7 mois avant

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