Potatoes - some person

This quote a été ajouté par skeppy
Potatoes are actually tasty. I know if any of you don't think potatoes are tasty, you will dislike this quote, however, I don't care because the potato is the best thing to ever come to this planet. Long live potatoes!

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uhhhhh_hi 6 années, 11 mois avant
This is the best quote ever, skeppy is a god.
skeppy 6 années, 11 mois avant
I do not enjoy calling people "Toxic" But I do call you toxic because you are right now. You just are constantly nagging me about humorous things, and yet making similar mistakes. Please, stop. I have emailed Keyhero support about this.
ivana. 6 années, 11 mois avant
Well you like calling people toxic.
skeppy 6 années, 11 mois avant
ivana, what is your fetish with saying "Please get a life" when you have fun insulting people on a TYPING TEST. calm down, realize what you're doing. Just stop please. It's irritating.
ivana. 6 années, 11 mois avant
Talk about toxic when you respond back to me when i was not talking to your dumbass... Please get a life.
ivana. 6 années, 11 mois avant
Are you looking into a mirror? Because i am not talking to you im talking to this idiot who made the quote.
skeppy 6 années, 11 mois avant
lol you are sooo toxic
ivana. 6 années, 11 mois avant
you are right i do dislike you... ALOT

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