Rap God - Big Daddy

This quote a été ajouté par ivana.
Ah summa, lumma, dumma, lumma. You assuming I'm a human. What I got to do to get it through to you, I'm superhuman! Innovative and I'm made of rubber so that anything you say is ricocheting off of me and I will glue it to you. Demonstrating more than I am devastating how to give a motherfucking audience a feeling like they're levitating. Never fading and I know the haters are forever waiting for the day that they can say I fell off they'll be celebrating, cuz I know the way to get motivated.

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ivana. 6 années, 10 mois avant
wow i care so much! What are you my mom?
rofel 6 années, 10 mois avant
Song lyrics are not allowed.
ivana. 6 années, 11 mois avant
I did this in like 4 sec but ok. LOL
skeppy 6 années, 11 mois avant
This quote is pretty cool, you need to fix some grammar issues though. For example "Audience" is spelled incorrectly

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