The Tenth Doctor - Doctor Who - Season 2 Episode 10, The Satan Pit

This quote a été ajouté par blue_rose
It's that feeling you get, yeah? Right at the back of your head. That impulse, that strange little impulse. That mad little voice saying, "Go on, go on, go on. Go over, go on."

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treemeister 5 années, 8 mois avant
"Go on, go on, go on. Go over, go on." has got to be the worst thing I ever typed in my fucking life. Jesus Christ, this ruined my whole typing test. Just this part. I literally went down by 15+ just from this stupid ass part of this quote. HOly shit this quote is stupid af

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doesho 128.72 100%
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jezpher 112.79 96.7%
strikeemblem 110.34 94.6%
2001or2 109.90 91.2%
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2001or2 109.90 91.2%
omolon 53.10 91.2%
bp.kuma 69.60 98.3%