You're Beautiful - Kenzie Sauer

This quote a été ajouté par kenzie14sauer
I know that sometimes we just get sad. It's called depression. You may not be diagnosed, but it certainly is an emotion. Everyone should be able to be told this everyday, so if you haven't, you're beautiful, smart, and you have it in you. Stay strong.

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user425222 3 années, 3 mois avant
Being sad is not the same as having depression.
kiriiya 3 années, 5 mois avant
Can't believe people are ignorant enough to upvote this--although perhaps by now I should.
funnybunny 3 années, 7 mois avant
Depression in more than just an emotion. It's a condition that no one should have to face. It is far worse than just sadness. So many people now a-days self diagnose with conditions they have no clue about.
qweerty 3 années, 11 mois avant
Thank you I kind of needed to hear this today
weesin 5 années, 10 mois avant
This is the sappiest quote I've ever read

You're making some super crazy assumptions here. Some people are just ugly (on the inside and/or the outside), some people are just plain stupid.

And if someone was depressed, do you really think that the crazy assumptions of a stranger is going to make them feel better?

goodgirl 6 années, 6 mois avant
yeah...nice quote

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