Interesting Fact - gh4380

This quote a été ajouté par gh4380
I bet you did not know that stewardesses is the longest word typed only by the left hand if you are using correct right and left handed technique. Now you have to repeat this fact to all of your friends and see what they think of it.

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anshsaini 3 années, 6 mois avant
That's actually pretty cool
if3ll 3 années, 8 mois avant
This is only applicable to QWERTY, I use Dvorak and this is wrong.
weiahe 3 années, 10 mois avant
I'd reccomend this video.
he describes his experience switching from qwerty to dvorak and reaching 130 wpm. I found it really helpful. IMO It's probably the best in-depth advice for people who are considering alternate layouts.
weiahe 3 années, 10 mois avant
For me stewardesses translates to "oy.,ape.oo.o" (all left hand for DVORAK). 99% of people use qwerty, so it is understandable that the quote did not mention the exeption in other layouts. @weesin I started learning DVORAK this october, and reached 60 wpm after a month. I have never switched to QWERTY since then, but I've heard that the muscle memory for both layouts clicks after a few minutes of practice, and some people can switch with ease. The advantage of DVORAK over colemak or workman is that it is built in and you can easily switch your layout to it on most operationg systems easily (windows, mac, chrome OS, linux)
winchester2 5 années avant
I have had the same questions as @weesin for some time now! Thanks again for the input and any additional input anyone has
weesin 5 années avant
You're serious? You've 'reported' the so-called 'discrimination' against other keyboard types? Why? Who do you care? Why would anyone care?
user75732 5 années avant
This quote is discriminatory against other keyboard layouts! Reported.

@acgimael After three months of practice on DVORAK , I exceeded my old QWERTY typing speed. I can say that switching between the two is really nothing to worry about (like, if you learn a new language, you won't forget your native one)
weesin 5 années, 6 mois avant
@acgimael, can I pick your brain about Dvorak? I've never seen it in use. Did you ever use QWERTY? If so, how did your typing speed change? How long did it take you to learn DVORAK and achieve decent speeds/accuracy? And, if you happen to be forced to work on a QWERTY keyboard (say, at a friend's house), are you able to remember the layout and type efficiently? Or does your typing go to crap if you're forced to use QWERTY. I'd appreciate any advise/info/tips you can give me as I'm considering switching to Dvorak

Thanks for your time! It is appreciated
acgimael 5 années, 6 mois avant
Only if you're using the QWERTY keyboard layout. I'm using Dvorak, so, yeah, nope.
namehere 6 années avant
cool story bro tell it again
skeppy 6 années avant
my left hand is bad

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