The Immortal Typist - Unknown

This quote a été ajouté par blaugershnauger
Immortality is a fool's errand. To be perfectly honest three hundred years from now no one will remember you. No one will remember your name. No one will remember your face. You will fall into obscurity and become one of the many forgotten. However with enough luck and determination one can become immortal through his record breaking keyhero WPM score.

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weiahe 3 années, 12 mois avant
lol this is the best quote

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Score (MPM) distribution pour cette citation. Plus.

Meilleurs scores pour typing test

Nom MPM Précision
highhonedjazzyaudio 134.84 93.2%
ltfigs 133.21 98.1%
venerated 132.55 97.8%
zhengfeilong 132.19 97.3%
mcgen 129.97 96.5%
thelastolympian11 129.87 97.5%
atpaustin 129.49 97.8%
user479331 125.73 99.4%
imstaken 124.79 98.6%
user271120 123.85 98.9%

Récemment pour

Nom MPM Précision
ashrosetta123 87.40 95.2%
jules831 69.61 92.4%
vimdata 54.47 92.9%
vimdata 52.09 92.7%
sitikyubee 70.05 96.5%
mumbaj 57.41 97.0%
user109145 38.67 87.6%
trishadgk 95.39 91.5%