Typical Typing Inspiration - Jon and Jane Doe

This quote a été ajouté par stuffnthangs
When posting a quote to this site, it's very important to take a moment to stop and consider the following questions: Is this a quote from Grey's Anatomy or Scrubs? Is this a quote from a social media post? Is this a quote from an email or instant message I received from family or friends, or a significant other? If the answer to any of these is yes, please stop. Do this community a solid and don't post it, because it has been done before, and someone else probably said it better.

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laurenbickert83 3 années, 2 mois avant
inellipsale 4 années, 6 mois avant
what if you look it up and no one said anything like it
bvw 4 années, 8 mois avant
OR ... Just use the following quote: "When posting a quote to this site, it's very important to be utterly dominating of every other typist. Own their minds and fingers. Make them think what you want them to consider. And only those matters, in the way you want them to be thought about."
llamalland 5 années avant
I don't like quotes about how there are too many quotes of a certain type. Why would I want to retype your whinge? Just post a good quote instead.
anhiro 5 années, 3 mois avant
More Harry Potter?
user601673 5 années, 7 mois avant

Tester vos compétences en dactylographie, faites le Test de dactylographie.

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alliekarakosta 131.23 98.0%
thorgott2 129.69 97.6%
ltfigs 129.52 96.0%
ayruku 128.85 98.2%
allytypes 126.98 98.0%
iforgotmyother 124.75 97.6%
munoko 123.98 93.3%

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user418542 31.75 90.1%
geevs 37.75 93.3%
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geevs 35.03 92.9%
kliz11 79.13 93.3%
hritul 55.44 86.3%
slanter59 49.52 87.3%