Moving Forward - Kazuki Nakashima

This quote a été ajouté par kthrnmcbride
You know why people have eyes in the front? Because they have to move forward to see the landscape in the distance. If you had eyes in back all you could see is your home town getting farther away; you can't move forward like that. If your eyes are in front what you see in the distance keeps getting closer. That's what lets people move forward.

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sanguinius 8 années, 3 mois avant
Our eyes are in the front so we can judge the distance to predators or prey.
adil 8 années, 8 mois avant
you know why people have eyes in the frount? Beacuse they have to move forward
to see the landscape in the distance. If you had eyes in back all you could see is
you home town getting farther away? you can't move forward like that. if your
eyes are in fornt what you see in the distance keeps getting closer. That's what
lets people move forword.
dvorakdan 8 années, 9 mois avant
If we had eyes in the back, that would be called the front, and walking backward would be called forward. Derrrrp.
zaronis 11 années, 7 mois avant

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