Typing - Anonymous

This quote a été ajouté par datfastboiio
I sometimes wonder why I try to improve my typing. Is it because it makes it look like I'm doing something important in school? Or because the clicks I make make on the keyboard sound so nice. There are a couple of things I don't like about typing; when people use a lot of commas, periods, colons, and even semicolons. Or they use I'm, because I always miss the apostrophe. And quotation marks! Like I just want to type, I don't need to know "What goes up must come down" was said by Newton!

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weesin 6 années avant
hmmm...you can't type without using commas, periods, colons, semicolons and quotation marks....unless you want to type in a language other than English as those types of punctuation are common to English. So suck it up and type them so you can become better at typing them and don't have to complain about typing them.

My complaint would be about people who post personal "quotes" with errors in them....like yours...you might want to review and edit it...

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