Let People Type What They Want to Type - Aiyana Henderson

This quote a été ajouté par eternal32bloom
I understand quotes get passed around all the time, but you should let people pick and choose. Don't just pick popular quotes; write quotes that are authentic to your heart.

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entitled 3 années, 9 mois avant
I pick quotes that are easy to type :D
kiriiya 4 années, 6 mois avant
'Personal' quotes are disgusting and should be purged. Shame on you.
weesin 5 années, 11 mois avant
OR....maybe people don't want to read "quotes" that are "authentic to your heart". We're all strangers here....I'm not sure why everyone wants to post personal quotes for complete strangers to read...

And more often than not, when people make up their own "quotes", they are filled with spelling and punctuation errors...

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