Albert Einstein

This quote a été ajouté par syncowo
Albert Einstein is the most influential physicist of the 20th century, and just might be the most famous scientist to have ever lived. He was only 26 when in 1905, he had four separate papers published, electrifying the field of physics and rocketing him to global renown. Among them were his ground-breaking special theory of relativity, as well as his famous equation, E = mc², which asserted that matter could be turned into energy. Not since Isaac Newton had one man so drastically altered our un.

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kheng 5 mois, 3 semaines avant
I don't even know how to type the ² in the test as copy paste doesn't work
wanna_be_typist 6 mois avant
The devil must be jealous of the person who put an exponential number in a random typing test...
weesin 5 années, 11 mois avant
This quote is terrible. There are punctuation and grammar issues. Also, the quote cuts off at the end. Also, I don't think it's a good practice to include scientific formulae in a typing test...

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