Pain that absolutely kills me - No author

This quote a été ajouté par kayleen
Ever since day one of Kindergarden, I was picked on. I was hit,teased, and ade fun of. I never learned how to stand up for myself. Once I was in 6th grade, I began to cut myself. I always kept the cuts hidden away from my classmates. I kept secrets away from everyone... Even my own parents. Then, my mother found out and called my older brother that lived five minutes away. Once he saw what I did we had a talk. I was nervous and after we talked I felt calmer. It hurts still, all those mean words.

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weesin 5 années, 7 mois avant
I feel that this is way too personal a "quote" to be posting for total strangers to read.

Also, you're missing a comma between the words "hit" and "teased" in the second sentence.

Also, you have typed "ade" instead of "made" in the second sentence.

Also, you don't keep secrets "away from" people....rather, you simply keep secrets "from" people.

You're missing a comma in a sentence: "Once he saw what I did we had a talk". There should be a comma between the words "did" and "we".

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