OOF - annonymous

This quote a été ajouté par kayleen
I have this kid I know, he seems very short. He looks like he is only 4'5. We are partners in class. I am 5'8 and a half and he is jealous. He also can get annoying in class by calling me short even though he is shorter than me.

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weesin 5 années, 7 mois avant
WHO CARES? And why would you find that annoying? Clearly the kid is joking as it's obvious that you're not short as you've disclosed your height as being 5'8" which is above average for your gender. I seriously don't get the point of your submission. You've gotta chill out....this isn't even worth your time thinking about it, let alone typing it here for others to read

And I'm guessing that he hasn't come right out and said that he's jealous of your height, so why are you assuming that he's jealous of you? I'm thinking, because you're wasting your energy thinking about this, that perhaps you're jealous of his height as being a female who is 5'8" is not so common

You kids need to stop getting yourself worked up about stupid stuff

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