First Love - JoJo2001

This quote a été ajouté par jojo2001
She beat your ass, She fucked your dad. Such horrible bitches of first loves you had. She slit your tires, Burned down your house. What a wonderful cunt of a day dream spouse. What degree of a heartbreak should I have to matter? How bad does the pain have to ruin me? Not being her baby left me shattered. How much more heartbroken do I have to be? She cheated, She stole. We both were left cold. What's the difference? You were 12 and I was last year years old.

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honeybeelee 5 années, 7 mois avant
And I thought my quote was personal.. DAMN! This is quite offensive.
weesin 5 années, 7 mois avant
I seriously can't get over how utterly stupid, poorly-written and offensive this quote is. It doesn't even make sense. I think you need some help...there is something seriously wrong with you
weesin 5 années, 7 mois avant
Terribly written! And very offensive

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