Fiends not friends - annonymous

This quote a été ajouté par kayleen
Friends can care about you and laugh with you. I do not have that. I have fiends. People that hurt me and laugh about it. I never had a true friend until I met social media and my friends cared about me no matter what. I think I would like to live a digital life instead of a real one. I can always have my digital friends to help me live my life the way I pleased. I cut myself once and they said not to do it again and so I listened. I am grateful to have them help me when I am feeling down.

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weesin 5 années, 7 mois avant
This is utterly pathetic. And entirely too personal a quote to be posting on a public site for others to read. We're here to improve our typing skills...not read about your personal problems. I would suggest that you see a have some serious mental health issues

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