Empty Shoes - OCULUS

This quote a été ajouté par oculus
People - we're fond of our habits, and we are what we do repeatedly. If we could hold our lives without ourselves in them, we would see the bigger impact our smallest actions created. What is left in the shoes you filled when you move on? Does the mark of your deeds leave the world a little brighter, or stain your legacy black? If you would regret living every day the way you did yesterday, make habits you are proud of.

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weesin 5 années, 6 mois avant
there is a difference in being grammatically correct in comments and in quotes. When there are errors in quotes, it trips up other typists. A grammatical error in a comment, although it can sometimes be annoying, does not trip up other typists - so it's not such a big deal. Comments are informal, requiring less adherence to the technical rules of grammar and punctuation.
oculus 5 années, 6 mois avant
Thank you both for commenting. I appreciate that people are liking my quotes, but they should always be grammatically correct and free of errors as well.
weesin 5 années, 6 mois avant
I didn't say it was bad. I didn't rate it as bad either. I actually thought it was a good quote and just noted the one small error
user294322 5 années, 6 mois avant
Dude this is a good comment one word doesn't make it bad?
weesin 5 années, 6 mois avant
why does "live's" have an apostrophe in it?

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