Make the bedroom a technology-free zone-KIDS SLEEP - MADONNA BEHEN

This quote a été ajouté par kannan8823
It may sound draconian, but sleep experts say that keeping the television, computer and any other electronic device out of your child's bedroom is central to making sleep a priority. The problem with technology is twofold. First, the bright artificial light that computers and other devices emit suppresses melatonin, a hormone that tells our bodies it's time to sleep. These gadgets are so engaging and compelling that it is hard to step away from them. The bedroom should be reserved for sleep.

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dvorakdan 8 années, 4 mois avant
User37933, not sure what you mean? Melatonin is a hormone.

I would also say you could change only a few words in this and make it a very adult themed concept. Delete "child's" and then substitute words for "sleep" as desired.
user37933 11 années, 6 mois avant

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