Short Easy Quote - shade75

This quote a été ajouté par shade75
Hello, my name is Shade. Here is a short easy quote that you will hopefully make your new words per minute record on and I had to make it a little longer.

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weesin 5 années, 6 mois avant
There are some punctuation issues with your quote. And it's customary to capitalize the first letter in your name. And you've typed "you're" when you should have typed "your"

Tester vos compétences en dactylographie, faites le Test de dactylographie.

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typin_ 203.77 100%
user871724 165.58 99.4%
silentis 126.90 100%
vmlm 125.47 100%
user851491 123.55 96.3%
djsharpe113 117.58 98.0%
dweather 117.49 93.3%
magesh 116.78 99.4%
forkhunter 114.97 93.3%
dante-didit 109.47 98.1%

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user851491 123.55 96.3%
user108790 35.58 97.5%
dlandrith 53.32 98.1%
user564583 45.98 90.6%
user615198 50.27 98.7%
ammar_trying_to_write 40.25 92.2%
gamingmoments 41.19 95.1%
user109013 31.78 78.2%