Femdom Tentacle - chups

This quote a été ajouté par tgwalrus
Holy FUCKING shit dude I can't believe how god damn amazing femdom tentacle hentai is. The thought of a dominatrix with gargantuan fucking tits beating the everloving shit out of a tentacle monster when it tries to pounce on and rape her is so hot. Seeing her stepping over that beast and stabbing its tentacles with her high heels would be divine for me, and I always get a fucking RAGING hard on as soon as she gives that giant bastard permission to stick his huge throbbing tentacles into her tigh.

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maxlucetyping 5 années, 5 mois avant
I think everyone would want to read this quote... in my opinion of course.
weesin 5 années, 5 mois avant
Seriously? This is a very offensive quote that should be removed from this site. There are people of all ages and walks of life using this site and that should be kept in mind when posting quotes. Do you think children should be reading this quote? Do you think your grandmother would want to read this quote? This is absolutely disgusting. Shame on you

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