WPM - Jazmin

This quote a été ajouté par jazmanea
Are you struggling with obtaining a high WPM? Do you know what is slowing you down? Spelling. If you do not know how to spell the word, this slows your mind and your fingers. The more simple the quote the faster your WPM is. So here is a tip for you, practice your spelling and in turn your typing speed will improve alongside you mind. Accommodate, handkerchief, indict, playwright, conscience, rhythm, pharaoh, ecstasy, pronunciation, arctic, sacrilegious, minuscule, onomatopoeia, etc.

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my5thaccount 5 années, 4 mois avant
Don't see what literally any of this has to do with r/MurderedByWords but ok jackson.
jacksonm 5 années, 4 mois avant
weesin 5 années, 4 mois avant
it always decreases your WPM when you're typing a quote that has spelling errors in it. You've typed 'you mind' instead of 'your mind'

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