Fetishes - Toby on the Tele

This quote a été ajouté par poptart0u812
"So, you know how, umm, fetishes are kinda like unorthodox kinks that you have, right?" "Yeah?" "Okay, well my fetishes is having homosexual sex... But! But it's unorthodox because i'm straight!" "But why preface that with the definition of a fetish? Just say you're gay!" "No no no i'm straight, it's just a fetish" (It's a joke, if you have lost your sense of humor, just hit ESC).

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weesin 5 années, 3 mois avant
There are tons of errors in this quote. You have typed 'my fetishes is' which doesn't make sense (you're mixing plural with singular). Also, you have typed 'i'm' twice - this should be capitalized

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