Misplace oneself - Small round chocolate candy

This quote a été ajouté par marcuscrown
His palms were perspiring, knee's fragile, and arms carried much weight. There is discharge on his jumper, mostly comprising of his mother's pasta. He's anxious, but pretends to be serene and prepared to perform an act of terrorism. However, he has amnesia, so he does not recall the speech he has prepared. The large group of people increase in volume. He attempts to speak, but discovers he is mute. The discharge from earlier obstructs his breathing. Lol. It is too late, He explodes.

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weesin 5 années, 3 mois avant
This is a poorly-written quote fraught with errors. First, you have typed 'knee's' instead of 'knees'. You're also changing between tenses: you say 'his palms were perspiring' which is past tense, then you say 'There is discharge on his jumper' which is present tense. Pick a tense and stick with it - was the action in the past or is it currently happening? Also, you have typed 'comprising' instead of 'comprised'. Also, you have typed the word 'increase' when it should be 'increases' or 'increased' depending on whichever tense you finally decide to go with. Then, you have capitalized a word that follows a comma when this is incorrect.

Please, if you're going to submit original quotes, take the time to edit them

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