Definition of Atheism - William Lane Craig

This quote a été ajouté par goodgraces
Such an alleged presumption is clearly mistaken. For the assertion that "There is no God" is just as much a claim to knowledge as is the assertion that "There is a God." Therefore, the former assertion requires justification just as the latter does. It is the agnostic who makes no knowledge claim at all with respect to God's existence.

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weesin 5 années, 1 mois avant
Well said @redburg. Now you've made me curious about the rule. Personally, I have always thought that religion wasn't to be mentioned at all, but I could very easily be wrong
redburg 5 années, 1 mois avant
Eh, I think this quote is within the bounds of the "no religious quotes" rules. It seems more of an argumentative and logic based quote. I'm religious, but I'd say this is fine since it doesn't influence toward one side or the other.

That is, unless I'm misunderstanding the rule and religion shouldn't be mentioned at all.
weesin 5 années, 1 mois avant
Although religious quotes aren't allowed on this site, this is a great quote. Although I tend to lean toward atheism, I often remind myself that saying there isn't a good is just as ignorant as saying there is a god. The only people who can truly claim that their religious beliefs are founded in rational, intellectual thought are agnostics.

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