ALL the keys - Beginner

This quote a été ajouté par gxh7
I'm a beginner at typing and have slowly gotten better {from 18.2 wpm to 37.6 wpm, so far}. The aim for this quote is to use all the keys at least once. The biggest question I had; How do I incorporate the letter "z"? My guess is that 30-49% of people will find that funny. Missed a few. ~+.

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typist_ 5 années avant
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems you are missing "j" and "x"

Also "\" above the enter key on standard QWERTY keyboards if we are being technical.

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strikeemblem 87.24 93.6%
michael_miriti 63.83 93.0%
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c0il 57.16 93.6%
m_murasaki 56.73 93.0%
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user76563 54.09 95.4%
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jtee3ee 49.91 94.2%
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mariam 37.79 90.1%
m_murasaki 56.73 93.0%
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user737004 36.25 94.2%
kiruha87 43.21 89.5%
michael_miriti 63.83 93.0%
tiffylee90 33.65 92.1%
alexanderxb 54.01 93.3%