Friends - Dustin Lynch Lover

This quote a été ajouté par dustinlynchlove
You are best friends. You can trust them with anything and then without any warning, they betray you. They break your trust forever. They hurt you, and make you so broken that you can't start to think why they would hurt you like this. Anyone you love will always hurt you. Always.

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danman 4 années, 11 mois avant
I could barely type through this quote without thinking how negative it was.
weesin 5 années avant
Wow. If a little criticism can 'ruin' you, you're going to need to toughen up. Refrain from using sites with a mechanism for commenting if you're going to be so hurt when someone expresses an opinion that you don't like
dustinlynchlove 5 années avant
i am done with dealing with this and will not come back. thanks for ruining someone who is just trying to be positive.
weesin 5 années avant
How does your submitting this very facile quote lead you to believe you're a 'positive influence?' How is your quote positive in any way?
dustinlynchlove 5 années avant
just trying to be a positive influence. thank you.
weesin 5 années avant
when you post an interesting, amusing or intelligent quote I will happily post a comment saying so. I look forward to that day
dustinlynchlove 5 années avant
gosh! why are you always so negative about my quotes? can you say one nice thing about any of them? please and thank you?
weesin 5 années avant
this quote reads as though it was written in a junior high school cafeteria

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