It Doesn't Have to be Deep - Stephanie Lanai

This quote a été ajouté par karenfromfinanc
As I type my way through quotes I wish there were more lighthearted quotes. The pedestrian existential drivel is not necessary all of the time. Just write a quote to invite joy or laughter. There is no quote requirement that says, "Try as hard as you can to be brilliant, deep and woke." It's just not that deep friends. Enjoy yourselves more.

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rivendellis 6 mois avant
"Enjoy yourselves more," they said while complaining.
weesin 5 années avant
I couldn't disagree more. There are far too many cheesy, vapid, "lighthearted" quotes on this site. Far too often, users of this site who lack the ability to write a correct and complete sentence decide to wax philosophical in the most irritating, pathetic way. If I see one more quote urging me to dance like no one's watching again I may just hurl. If I see one more simple, bubble gum One Tree Hill quote I may just lose it. People should be encouraged to think more, not less

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