What.... - Lollipop

This quote a été ajouté par maliklar
We always try to solve problems, even if there is no problem we will create a new one unconsciously, and try to solve it. So don't be confused when you know someone that has everything and is still facing difficulties in life, because he or she is the one who created it and you do the same without knowing that.

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kumagai 2 années, 3 mois avant
This is the reason why we see so much depression, mass shootings and other disturbing psychosis in affluent cultures. Our brains are wired to solve problems. Striving to solve problems is what gives us the illusion of meaning we so desperately crave. So if there are no real problems with which to occupy our madness, we will spiral into all manner of depravity trying to create the "meaning" we feel is lacking in our existence. Sad.

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