An art unmastered. - Justin Dania

This quote a été ajouté par user777967
Typing is an art, an art that isn't easy to achieve. But it can be modified, changed to be better or worse. It all depends on the person behind the magnificent keyboard, a machine that can destroy but also entice and delight.

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wanna_be_typist 1 année, 6 mois avant
Somebody doesn't know the definition of "art".
wanna_be_typist 1 année, 6 mois avant
Somebody doesn't know the definition of "art".
user536094 3 années, 10 mois avant
"an art that isn't easy to achieve" lol
divine_. 4 années, 3 mois avant

Tester vos compétences en dactylographie, faites le Test de dactylographie.

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