You're all missing the point here, don't confuse your score with your skill - Just a guy on the internet

This quote a été ajouté par vmlm
I see a lot of you complain about excessive or weird punctuation because it messes up your scores, and I can't help but think you're all missing the point. The objective here isn't to get a high score, it's to type effectively and efficiently. Your score is supposed to reflect your skill, but it doesn't mean anything if you increase it artificially by only doing easy quotes. Aim to improve your skill, not your score.

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sstruck007 1 année, 7 mois avant
Very well said.
bcurty32 2 années, 9 mois avant
I won't artificially increase my score by searching for easy quotes, but on the contrary, I'm not going to let some dumb ass quote artificially decrease my scores either.
left-over 3 années avant
I mean sure but you can also say that the whole point of this website in the first place is to practice typing. However, the key to being able to type fast is to type the easy quotes first and be start at an easier level. I completely agree on accuracy, I think that it's the most important aspect of typing, but punctuation not so much. When you "practice" easy quotes and get higher speeds it also boosts your confidence and you will be more comfortable with harder quotes after. I feel like if it wasn't for this method of typing for me I would have never imagined getting a speed higher than 100 let alone 160.
venerated 3 années, 4 mois avant
fuck, you
user87435 3 années, 8 mois avant
I see a lot of you complain about excessive or weird punctuation because it messes up your scores, and I can't help but think you're all missing the point. The objective here isn't to get a high score.
aunk05 3 années, 8 mois avant
100%! I have left a comment to this effect on just such a quote. I considered writing a quote like this, but decided against it, as I have discovered that ANY quote which refers to the site, regardless of its complexity, tends to make me aware of what I'm doing, and speed and accuracy go to hell.

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