a tip for keyhero - karlos

This quote a été ajouté par karlos
Something I discovered that really helped my progress on KeyHero is to make the page zoomed 250%, so the text is bigger, and so you don't see the active WPM score, because that tends to trip people up. Also, you can press escape from the first quote to start instead of clicking the start button.

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jjp 2 années, 6 mois avant
Thank you for the heads up. I've been using this method and has helped.
user84021 3 années, 5 mois avant
anshsaini 3 années, 6 mois avant
Oh my god thanks so much for the escape to start tip!
lenorite 4 années, 2 mois avant
Interesting tip, I had to zoom it out a little to 200% but it's helping. Thanks for sharing!

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