2 AM Feelings - m.j.

This quote a été ajouté par mona97
I am trying very, very hard to keep going. But things are getting overwhelming again, and I'm not quite sure if I can keep pretending that they're not. I would like to say that I've been getting consistently better; however, that's just simply not true. I think that perhaps the other shoe is about to drop, and there's no preventing it. No more pretending. At the end of the day, I think we all knew that this was inevitable.

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leology 1 année, 7 mois avant
hang in there! we all love you
kumagai 1 année, 8 mois avant
If you let things play out the way they naturally want to, you will always feel like this. The natural state of the world is decay. If you're not actively, purposefully forcing yourself to get better every day, making the small decisions over and over that propel you forward, then you will always be waiting for "the other shoe to drop". And it will.
omar7 3 années, 2 mois avant
you shouldn't be isolated or alone,
be busy learning something or applying something you know
and be connected to people somehow, to be seen, heard and valued

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