People are like vulnerable sheep - DeltaTick

This quote a été ajouté par deltatick
People are like sheep... they tend to go wherever the majority goes, do whatever the majority does, and don't have an opinion themselves. Their shepherd is the television, and they do whatever it tells them to do.

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captncaveman 1 année, 9 mois avant
This quote needs to be updated into 21st century terms from "television" to "social media".
weiahe 3 années, 9 mois avant
Blah blah, "CriTiCaL thiNKinG" conspiracy theories,...
speedq 3 années, 10 mois avant
Wow this is painful to read, some real r/im14andthisisdeep material. Seems like a good mix of naive realism, actor-observer bias, and illusion of asymmetric insight.

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