A Relatively Short Quote - Mr. I Suck At Typing

This quote a été ajouté par tobybhady
You ever just want to find a nice short quote? But you only find long quotes that just make you want to break your keyboard. Me too, so here's a short quote to relax.

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user794065 1 année, 10 mois avant
This quote made me want to break my keyboard.
kiriiya 3 années, 5 mois avant
There are like eighty of this exact quote.

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johnymaccarroni 185.30 100%
user871724 184.58 100%
penguino_beano 171.59 99.4%
restspeaker 171.18 100%
jiggalee 170.87 100%
user491757 168.80 100%
practicebutt69 167.68 100%
venerated 167.49 100%
avir 165.54 99.4%
kjcmonster 157.72 98.2%

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hellawildtyper 98.49 100%
diamondrock 86.77 94.3%
user109254 41.83 82.6%
npabs 109.74 97.6%
stu.weston06 105.43 97.1%
megadragon 71.76 94.4%
mike7lap 42.00 98.8%
amman66 99.81 97.6%